martes, 25 de septiembre de 2012

Picturesque Speech

Overall, “Waiting for Godot” could be considered an easy read because of its short and rhythmic dialogues. If one doesn’t stop to consider much what the characters are actually saying, then the play could be well read in one seating. However, there is one part of the play that disturbs that sort of easiness. Lucky’s dense and incoherent speech completely breaks the mood of the reader, and it is possible that all the mumbling and non-sense distract the reader. I personally skimmed through the long speech finding it unbearable to read. It’s another story when it is performed.
In the 2001 movie of “Waiting for Godot” the prolific interpretation of Lucky’s speech helps the viewer understand further the meaning of the words. In addition to that, shot sizes and camera angles aid the viewer and deepen the meaning of the dialogue.

The scene starts with an extreme wide shot, showing us all the character aligned and a good view of the background. At this moment, it is important to focus on the initial reaction of all the characters to Lucky’s action, hence the use of extreme wide shot and frontal, eye-level camera angles.

As Lucky starts his speech, the shot shrinks to wide-shot focusing more on the character. The somewhat low camera angle denotes superiority to the now thoughtful Lucky. His pose is very virtuous making him look magnanimous. The curious Vladimir and Estragon approach cautiously. The tree is visible in the shot. 

As Lucky’s speech progresses, the camera shot subtly zooms on Lucky. He is the center of attention; the medium-shot size forces the viewer to focus solely on Lucky, his facial expressions, and dialogue. At this, all distractions have been removed and we are to fully submit to Lucky’s incoherent rhetoric.  

The speech continues and it progressively becomes more passionate and incoherent. The camera now zooms out to show the reaction of Pozzo, who clearly finds his servant’s speech unbearable. The camera slowly moves circularly to show the panoramic, perhaps in tune with Lucky’s now circular speech.

The shot shrinks again now showing a desperate Vladimir attempting to stop Lucky. Lucky is higher in altitude, and Vladimir lower, showing he is helpless and frustrated while the solemn Lucky continues. The tree is always visible.

Lucky’s speech finally ends when Vladimir removes his hat, and he collapses and falls face down to the ground. The extreme wide shot works to show how everyone reacts to the event. Lucky is diminished, while Vladimir is higher than all and holding the hat. The road’s curve is imminent and gives off an impression of eternity, because we don’t see the road going anywhere.

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